Tuesday, October 5, 2010

He llegado

After fourteen hours of traveling I made it to Quito. Airport seats on continental planes are much smaller than I remember. Today was my first full day in Quito. As expected it is very humid but it never gets very hot in Quito so it stays comfortable. Quito reminds a lot of San Jose, Costa Rica. The smells, the humidity, and the crazy traffic feels the same. I live in a house with a host mother named Rosita, and she also houses six other students in similar programs as me. The other students range from Dental students, Med School Graduates and undergrads. We all have breakfast and dinner together at the house. Rosita is quite the cook and the food never runs out! Its a great experience to sit and eat at a table where everyone is speaking spanish.... it really accents the "immersion" of the program. Spanish classes lasted seven hours with small breaks and a lunch break. Due to my late arrival I will not be starting clinics until next week so its spanish classes for me for the rest of the week. It sounds like a trip to the beach this weekend is in order, so we're taking a 5hr bus ride the northern coast where I hear the water is very warm. The last two days with no sleep are catching up to me and I still have tons of homework to do.... the first day!! So i'm cutting it short. Desde luego... Adios!

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